Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractor for 2013 Tetfund Special Intervention Project at College of Education Azare
College of Education Azare
Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractor for 2013 Tetfund Special Intervention Project
The College of Education Azare, wishes to bring to the notice of interested competent and reputable Contractors that the College would carry out works under the 2013 TETFund Special Intervention Project.
Lot 1: Construction of Student Hostel.
Pre-qualification Requirement
- Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration.
- Current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three (3) years.
- Value Added Tax Registration Certificate.
- Verifiable Evidence of previous experience in area of interest.
- Company Profile.
- Three years Audited Accounts/Evidence of Financial Capability.
- Evidence of compliance with Pension Reform Act, 2004.
- Evidence of compliance with statutory provision of Section 8(i)-(3) of the Industrial Training Fund Amendment Act, 2011.
Submission of Documents:
The application for Pre-Qualification must be submitted in sealed envelopes and boldly marked “Pre-Qualification Documents for Lot 1 and should be addressed as follows: The Registrar College of Education.
Closing Date:
Eligible Contractors are expected to submit relevant documents on or before 8th April, 2014 and the pre-qualification documents will be publicly opened for processing at 12:00 pm on 8th April, 2014 at the College Council Chamber main campus, Only qualified companies will be short listed and invited to Tender.
Please Note That:
The pre-qualification invitation shall not be construed to be commitment on the part of College of Education Azare nor shall it entitle any company to make any claim whatsoever and or seek any indemnity from the College by virtue of such company having responded to the advert. The College is not under any obligation to include your company on its list of contractors.
Signed: Registrar