Request For Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Consulting Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Procurement Support and Construction Supervision of Rehabilitation of Rural Roads in Niger State
Request For Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Consulting Services for the Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Procurement Support and Construction Supervision of Rehabilitation of Rural Roads in Niger State
Credit No.: 5154-NG
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) and the French Development Agency and on-lent the financing to four participating states (Adamawa, Enugu, Niger, and Osun) towards the cost of rehabilitation of prioritized rural roads In these states under the Second Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP-2). It is intended that part of the proceeds of the financing will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Consulting Services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include detailed engineering design, environmental and social impact assessment, procurement support, and construction supervision for the rehabilitation of tow volume mostly unpaved rural roads in Niger State as follows:
(i) conducting a detailed inventory and condition survey and a full topographical survey and a geotechnicat/materials survey of each given road (totaling approximately 330km to be packaged in 3 or 4 Lots across the State) complete with the existing structures; together with comprehensive traffic counts, economic analysis, and environmental and social impact assessments, including development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) or Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) as necessary in accordance with World Bank Safeguards Policies for Category B projects, leading to and including the design of the appropriate rehabilitation and limited construction Works and the preparation of the bidding documents for each Lot;
(ii) providing full procurement support to the Employer through the bidding process to the award of the Works contract for each Lot; and
(iii) supervising construction of the Works of each Lot in the capacity of the Engineer, including the Defects Liability Period (DLP). Subject to agreement by the Employer, the Services may include supervision, with minimal staffing, of routine and periodic maintenance of these roads for 3 years initially (first year falling within the 12-month Defects Liability Period)
The total duration of the Services is about 40 months: the Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental and Social Assessment and Preparation of Civil Works Bidding Documents is to be completed in 6 months, after which the Procurement Support Services would last approximately 4 months,, and the Works are to be constructed in 18 months, with a Defect Liability Period (requiring scaled down supervision) of 12 months. Should the supervision of the 3-year maintenance activities be agreed following the completion of the road rehabilitation, the total duration of the Consulting Services would be 64 months. The Services are expected to start in March 2015.
The State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) on behalf of Niger State Government now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short listing criteria are:
1. General qualification: Capacity of the Consultant to carry out the Services, to be demonstrated by sufficient years in business with core business in similar activities to those under the Services, annual turnover of the Consultant and overall number and qualifications of Consultant key staff. A brief presentation of the Consultants profile shall be provided.
2. Engineering Design: Experience and capacity for Engineering Design of low volume rural roads similar in scope and size to those subject to the Services, with both laterite and bituminous surface treatment sections. The Consultants shall demonstrate experience and capacity for conducting full condition surveys, topographical surveys, road and bridge and drainage inventories, geotechnical and material surveys, drainage condition and capacity assessments, and bridge and other structures condition and capacity assessments and designs. The Consultants shall also demonstrate experience and capacity for conducting economic analysis using the Highway Design and Management tool (HDM-4) or the Road Economic Decision (RED) model or any other recognized economic evaluation methodology,
- Construction Supervision: Experience and capacity for Construction Supervision in the role of Engineer for rehabilitation and construction of low volume rural roads similar in scope and size to those subject to the Services, with both laterite and bituminous surface treatment sections.
4. Environmental and Social Assessment: Experience and capacity for conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESI A) in line with World Bank Safeguards Policies and in proposing mitigation measures in the form of Environmental and Social Management Plans and in drawing up Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) or Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plans (ARAP).
5. Bidding Documents and Procurement Support: Experience and capacity for production of full English language bidding documents based on the World Bank Standard Bidding Document for the Procurement of Works, including Technical Specifications, Engineering Drawings, and Bills of Quantities; and for provision of full procurement support through the civil works bidding process and contract award.
The consultants are encouraged to present the information demonstrating the fulfilment of the criteria above in the form of project profiles including: the project name, the location of the project, the name and address of the client/beneficiary, the name(s) of associated firm(s) if any, the duration of the assignment, the start and end date of the assignment, the total value of the contract, the total numbm of staff-months of the assignment, the value of the services provided by the Consultant under the contract, the number of professional staff-months provided by the associated firm(s), the names of the Consultants senior staff involved and functions performed, a brief narrative description of the project, and a description of the actual services provided by the Consultants staff under the assignment The description of the services provided shall specify the type of roads and the works subject to the services, the length of roads, and the location of the roads.
Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications,
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. The detailed engineering design services and the preparation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (including preparation of the bidding documents) will be paid on a lump sum basis, while the subsequent support including construction supervision and other services will be paid on a resource time-based basis.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e. 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, e-mail) by 21st October 2014
State Project Coordinator,
State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU)
Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP II)
Niger State Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Gidan Aliyu Ndanusa, Bosso road – Minna, Niger State
Telephone: +234 – 8113997566, +234 – 8034500334 E- Mail:,