Invitation to Participate in the Prequalification/Tendering Exercise at Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), through the Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat (ARDS)
Federal Capital Territory
Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat
Kapital Road, Area 11, P.M.B 24, Garki, Abuja Nigeria
Invitation to Participate in the Prequalification/Tendering Exercise for some Capital Projects in the Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, FCTA
The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), through the Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat (ARDS) has provisions in the 2013 draft Statutory Budget and is inviting competent and interested companies to submit Technical and Financial bids for the following projects:
i. LOT 1: Procurement of Proximate analysis inputs to support farmers in feed evaluation and quality control
ii. LOT 2: Procurement of Cold Chain facilities as support to small scale Animal Products Processor in FCT.
iii. LOT 3: Procurement of assorted fishery inputs.
iv. LOT 4: Procurement of Agro Chemicals, Farmers field Pest Control Chemicals and Crop Protection Chemicals for FCT tanners.
v. LOT 5: Procurement of Livestock management inputs.
vi. LOT 6: Procurement of fodder processing equipment.
vii. LOT 7: Procurement of Livestock Supplementary Feeds
viii. LOT 8: Procurement of Veterinary Drugs for FCT clinics.
ix. Procurement of equipment for fruit processing center
x. LOT 1: Procurement of seeds for out-grower scheme.
xi. LOT 2: Procurement of Herbicides for out-grower scheme.
xii. LOT 3: Procurement of working materials for out-grower scheme.
xiii. LOT 4: Procurement of CP 15 Knap sack sprayers and Spray-Shields.
xiv. LOT 5: Procurement of Irrigation water pumps 3″with all necessary accessories.
xv. LOT 6: Procurement of Irrigation water pumps accessories.
xvi. Procurement of Motorcycles for frontline extension workers.
xvii. Procurement of Abattoir Sanitary inputs and operation equipment.
xviii. Procurement of 75HP Tractor and implements.
xix. Procurement of program supporting inputs.
xx. Procurement of 1 No. 100KVA sound proof generator for fish farm Estate- Bwari.
xxi. Procurement of Crop Protection machineries.
xxii. Procurement of inputs for Agricultural Equipment and other essential tools for GES Redemption centers (FCT).
xxiii. Procurement of inputs for the implementation of Commodity value chain for FCT Farmers.
xxiv. Procurement of Inputs for Research and Demonstration (ADP)
xxv. (a) LOT 1: Livestock Component.
xxvi. (b) LOT 2: Crop Component.
xxvii. (c) LOT 3: Fisheries Component
i. Construction of Agro Service Store at Gudun-Kariya, FCT.
ii. Perimeter wall fencing for Bwari Forest Nursery.
iii. LOT 1: Provision of I No. Industrial Borehole at Barangoni.
iv. LOT 2: Provision of I No. Industrial Borehole at Abaji
v. LOT 1: Rehabilitation of Fertilizer Warehouse at Bwari FCT
vi. LOT 2: Construction of Quality Control Laboratory at Gwagwa,
vii. Construction of small scale Dam Pandagi in Abaji FCT.
viii. Construction of Abattoir in Kwali Area Council.
ix. Construction of Block work fence at the FCT – ADP fish pond.
x. Construction of perimeter Block wall fence at Bwari
xi. LOT 1; Rehabilitation of Rubochi – Gbanfa feeder Road, Kuje Area Council.
xii. LOT 2: Rehabilitation of Saumi – Goi feeder Road, Gwagwalada Area Council.
xiii. LOT 3: Rehabilitation of Agayana – Nanda feeder Road, Abaji Area Council.
xiv. LOT 4: Rehabilitation of Fadama feeder Road at BUKPF Ayebodo, Kwali Area Council.
xv. LOT 5: Rehabilitation of Gora-Pawuye feeder Road at Kwali Area Council.
xvi. LOT 6: Rehabilitation of Dutse Garki – Damagoza feeder Road at Bwari Area Council.
xvii. LOT 7: Rehabilitation of Pandagi-Yewumi feeder Road Abaji Area Council.
xviii. Construction of perimeter Block wall fence at CIADT Yaba.
C. Scope of Work
Details of the Scope of Work are outlined in the Tender Documents
D. Prequalification Requirements
Interested companies shall forward copies of the following documents and all originals are to be made available for sighting during the Tender Opening.
- Evidence of Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and Articles and Memorandum of Association
- Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three years expiring 31st December 2013.
- Evidence of registration with Pension Commission and up to date remittance of Employees’ contributory pension funds..
- Evidence of ITF Contribution in compliance with ITF amendment Act, 2011.
- Up to date evidence of Annual returns with CAC, and note that due diligence could be conducted
- Company’s Audited Account for the last three (3) years prepared by a Chartered Accounting firm.
- Bank Reference from Reputable Nigerian Bank and Statement of Account for the last 12months.
- List of Verifiable documentary (i.e. evidence of Award and Completion Certificates), evidence of similar jobs successfully executed within the last three (3) years.
- Sworn Affidavit in line with the provisions of part iv section 16 and section 6 (c, e and f) of the PP A 2007.
E. Additional Prequalification Requirements
All interested companies bidding for works must in addition to the above general requirements provide the followings:
i. List of equipment to be used for the project and their locations. State whether the equipment are leased or owned.
ii. Evidence of firm’s current registration with relevant regulators’ body.
iii. Company’s profile showing list of Key personnel/officers to be attached to the project stating their roles, designation, qualifications and experience. Enclose endorsed photocopies of professional certificates of the respective officer where applicable.
F. Collection of Tender Documents
Interested companies are to collect Tender Documents from Procurement Unit, Room 053, Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, Area 11, Garki Abuja, upon the presentation of evidence of payment of non-refundable Tender Fee of N10.000,00 (Ten Thousand Naira only) for each project to Fidelity Bank (CBD) FCT Treasury Account No. 5030009770.
The Technical and Financial documents should each be sealed and labeled (Technical and Financial Bids as appropriate) separately, and the two envelops be put in another envelop that should also be sealed and labeled as appropriate indicating the name of the project. The Tender documents (Financial Bid) should be submitted in three (3) copies (one original and two photocopies) and all the copies are to be duly endorsed by the bidder. The documents are to be dropped in the Tender Box at ARDS Tenders Board, Room 053, Engineering block annex, Area 11 Garki, Abuja, not later than 12.00noon of 16th of December, 2013. The representative of the bidding companies and CSOs are invited to witness the opening of the tenders on the same day at 12.00noon in Room 054 (ARDS conference room).
- All documents should be arranged in serial order as advertised
- The representatives of the companies and CSOs are invited to witness.
- The opening of the documents on the same day at 12.00noon.
- Bidders should not tender for more than one lot under Works.
- No Bidder is expected to tender for more than two projects.
- Violation of iii and iv above attracts disqualification.
Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat,