Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors at The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti
The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti
P.M.B.3351, Ado-Ekiti Ekiti State
Invitation for Pre-Qualification of Contractors
1. Introduction
The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Eklti intends to execute the under listed projects under the TETFUND 2011 & 2012 merged interventions project.
Interested and Competent Contractors are therefore invited for Pre-qualification exercise as exercise as a first step in the award of Contract for the Project.
2. List of Projects
LOT 1. Construction of Academic Staff Offices/Classrooms
LOT 2. Construction of Lecture Theatre for the School of Environmental Studies
LOT 3. Procurement and Installation of Office/Classrooms Furniture
LOT 4. Procurement and Installation of Lecture Theatre Furniture
3. Pre-Qualification Requirements
Interested and competent contractors are required to submit pre qualification documents with verifiable evidence of, but not limited to, the following:
a) Company profile and organizational structure Including names and resumes (Professional/Technical qualifications) of key personnel/partners as well as their addresses, where applicable. The list should also include other Technical Personnel to carry-out the job,
b) Evidence of company incorporation and current Tax Clearance Certificate and Audited Account for the last three (3) years (2010-2012),
c) Verifiable list of previous/similar major works executed and completed within the last five years with detailed description of their locations.
d) Evidence of financial strength, credit worthiness and solvency
e) Provision of VAT Certificate(s) on executed job(s) and evidence of VAT Remittance
f) List of relevant equipment intended for use on the project indicating their locations (state whether leased, hired of owned),
g) Contractors must show evidence of compliance with statutory obligations of their employees in respect of the Federal Government New Pension Scheme.
Only Contractors that have proven capability, relevance and good records of accomplishment would be considered to competitively tender for the projects described above,
4. Collection of Pre-Qualification Documents,
Pre-qualification forms will be available for collection between 8:00a.m and
4.00p.m from Monday to Friday in the Office of the Director, Physical Planning upon payment of N10, 000.00 (Ten thousand naira) only at the Bursary of the Polytechnic
5. Submission of Pre-Qualification Documents
All duly completed pre-qualification documents (in duplicate) should be submitted in sealed envelopes marked as ………. (Lot and Name of Project to be specified) and addressed to:
The Registrar
The Federal Polytechnic
P.M.B. 5351, Ado-Ekiti
And hand-delivered to the Office of the Registrar on or before 28th August, 2013. The pre-qualification documents will be opened at 1.00pm on the closing; date in the Polytechnic Council Chambers, All prospective Contractors and Interested members of the public are by this notice invited to witness the opening exercise.
6. Verification of Claims In Pus-Qualification Documents
The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti reserves the right to verify the authenticity of claims made in the pre-qualification documents submitted, even after award.
(a) Please note that this is not an invitation to tender
(b) The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti is not bound to pre-qualify any Contractors,
(c) All submissions are expected to be presented in simple unambiguous language as the Polytechnic would not enter into correspondence with any Contractor whose submissions are considered ambiguous.
S.O Adediran