Consultancy: Selection of a Consultant to Recruit Regional Experts (Individual Consultants) for the Management and Coordination Unit of WRDSEM/P NRBM/P at the Niger Basin Authority
Autorite Du Basin NigerSecretariat Executie | Niger Basin AuthorityExecutive Secretariat |
Unite De Gestion Et De Coordination Du Programme Dredge and Coordination Unit | WRDSEN Programmes Management Programme Dredge and Coordination Unit |
B.P. 729, Niamey (Niger)Tel: +227 20 72 31 02 / 20 72 43 95
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P.O. Box 729, Niamey (Niger)Tel: +227 20 72 31 02 / 20 72 43 95
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Consultancy: Selection of a Consultant to Recruit Regional Experts (Individual Consultants) for the Management and Coordination Unit of WRDSEM/P NRBM/P
Request of Proposals No. 01/2015/NBA/WRDSEMP
As part of the implementation of Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystem Management Programme (WRDSEMP), the Niger River Basin Management Project (NRBMP) is funded by the World Bank.
The (WRDSEMP and NRBMP) PMCU is a regional unit under the Executive Secretariat of the NBA. The PMCU’s staff are considered as consultants and recruited on a competitive basis within nine (9) member states of the NBA. The Niger Basin Authority is seeking for applicants to fill three vacant positions at the Projects’ Management and Coordination Unit (PMCU)
The NBA Executive Secretariat of the NBA is hereby inviting consultants to express their interest by submitting applications files (updated CV, copy of diplomas and labour certificates, leaflets/brochures, etc.), to conduct the recruitment process for the following positions:
- One procurement Expert;
- One monitoring and Evaluation Expert;
- One Assistant Accountant.
Profile of the Consultant:
- The consultant should have sound knowledge (at least 10 years of experience) in area of human resources management and recruitment of senior staff.
- The consultant’s team must be composed of at least one project management, holder of at least an MBA.
- Specialized in human resources and justifying at least ten (10) years’ experience in management of recruitment executives with a strong potential in the region.
- For the interviews, the consultant shall mobilize a translator/interpreter in French/English. A monitoring and Evaluation Expert, a Procurement specialist and a financial expert (Accountant) having good knowledge of procedures, methods and tools of project financed by the World Bank.
- Each Member must have at least a master degree with eight (8) years of experience.
The expressions of interest should be sent to the NBA Executive Secretariat at the following address, no later than June 11th, 2015 at 10:0am, Local time.
Executive Secretariats of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA)
Attention: UGCP-DREGDE
Selection of a consultant for the recruitment of Regional Experts
Rue du Fleuve, Ancien Plateau
B.P.: 729 Niamey (Niger)
Tel: (227) 20 3150 36 / 20 72 3102
Fax: (227)20 7242 08
NB: for more information, kindly consult the NBA website: