Invitation for Expression of Interest to Individuals and/or Corporations for the Management and Operation of a Granite Quarry located in Ebonyi State.
Auspoint Limited
Auspoint Limited has recently acquired a granite quarry located within Ivo in Ihietutu LG in Ebonyi State. A quarry licence for the site in question was granted to Auspoint Limited by the Mining Cadastral Ministry in November 2013; this licence is valid for 5 years. The site occupies an area of 0.6 sq km and is made up of 3 cadastral units. Auspoint Limited requires the services of experienced individuals or companies to carry out exploratory drilling and further to blast, mine, crush and sort the material for sale. The successful bidder will be expected to move onto site with their own plant and machinery.
Interested individuals and corporations will be required to submit the following documents as part of their Expression of Interest:
1. Registration with Corporate Affairs Commission;
2. Evidence of tax clearance for preceding 3 years (2011-2013);
3. VAT registration and payment;
4. Audited accounts for preceding 3 years;
5. Company profile detailing previous experience in mining;
6. Evidence of financial stability in the form of bank statements for the preceding 12 months;
7. Sworn affidavit affirming that all the documentation/information submitted as part of this EoI is not falsified, contrived, fraudulent or untrue.
The documents listed above must be scanned and despatched by email to: and must be received by Auspoint Limited no later than 17:00 31/03/14.
a). Auspoint Limited is not obliged to appoint a service provider who does not appear qualified to deliver the service efficiently;
b). This call for Expressions of Interest does not in any way imply, directly or indirectly a form of legal commitment between Auspoint Limited and individuals or corporations expressing interest in delivering the service.
Bayo Harold-Sodipo LLM (Lond)
Procurement Director
March 19, 2014 @ 3:21 pm
I have just paid N4,000 for 1 month subscribtion through GTB (Teller 009824863) but cant log – in.
March 19, 2014 @ 4:14 pm
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