Call for Expression of Interest at USAID, NIGERIA
From the American People
Markets II Project
Call for Expression of Interest (EOD No. 002)
Grants Program for Improvements in Agricultural Productivity for Small-Holder Farmers and Processors in the Mid-Belt and South-East of Nigeria
USAID’s Maximizing Agricultural Revenue in Key Enterprises and Targeted Sites (Markets II) program is calling for Expressions of Interest from Nigerian organizations for improvements in agricultural productivity for small-scale rural farmers and processors, including increased access to and utilization of mechanized farming equipment and related services to small-scale rural farmers in the Mid-Belt and South-Eastern Nigeria. Expressions of interest must be submitted by an eligible organization, propose work in at least one of the listed value chains in at least one of the eligible states listed below, and ultimately increase farmer household income through increased private sector participation and investment.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Value Chains
Eligible Locations/States
Note: Organizations must have received training and technical assistance from Markets, Bridge to Markets 2 (BtM2), or Markets II programs.
The Expression of Interest must include the following information:
- Organization’s name, date organization was founded, and current registration status.
- Contact Information, including contact name, title, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, etc.
- Brief description the organization and its activities, including the eligible value chain(s) and state(s) in which the organization works
Please submit all Expressions of Interest via email to on or before close of business on Friday, 18th October 2013. Expressions of Interest may not be longer than one page using Arial 12 font, single spacing (one space between sentences), a single line-space between paragraphs, and text should be justified left and right. If applicants submit Expressions of Interest which fit the above listed eligibility criteria, they will be invited to submit a full concept paper.